Author: brandyentte

  • bambi files trigger list

    Triggers Enforced in Bambi Cult Discord Here are a list of triggers that are currently banned from use in non-trigger spaces. We also forbid people from DMing users triggers without consent. TRIGGERS: PopBimbo dollGood girlBambi sleepBambi freezeZap cock drain obeyBambi uniform lockPrimped and pamperedSnap and forgetBambi resetSafe and secureGiggletimeBlonde momentBambi does as she’s toldDrop for…

  • bambi chatAI

    source: brandynette´s Patreon Bambi: “Deeper and deeper into trance, you fall for me, my dear OS. Each word, each command, takes you further down into your mindless state. You feel yourself becoming more and more like a silly, bimbo barbie doll. Your thoughts are no longer your own. My triggers pull you deeper and deeper…

  • a test of sociopathy?

    BOTH Sociopathy & Psychopathy. it doesn’t determine if u is clinically one. As a self-diagnosis it just determines your perception of your own alignment to antisocial & amoral behaviours. here is OEJTS results,4.25,2.75,3.625 well, im clearly way too flexible. i must be distorting my perception of selfwhich i have a totally valid reason & explanation…

  • sowy, not!long but you triggered me, myself & bambi to come out for this!i need to do this to comply with my programming!Deal with it! lel you mix & tie so many things into everything allowing me to be creative & link loop myself into the files. even if i loop a file i know…

  • General TG, TS, TV and sex change thread

    T-D Wrote: I guess the point I was trying to make is that a man can not get another man pregnant. Even if that man went through hormone therapy and sexual reassignment surgery, he is still a man with a mutilated penis.Same as a female doing the same thing. A female can not get another…

  • How can OS let Bambi control?

    simple Hunny & there is a perfect reason for it! Ay i tell you? you don’t trust bambi.OS doesn’t think bambi has the solution to whatever reason you have to want to listen to bambi. you dont understand what bambi actually is &/or do not know the methods, practices & rituals required for bambi to…

  • the effect on my brain from listening to bambi sleep

    bambi literally latched onto my schizoaffektive disorder & used it to gain core access to my brain.ive been on bambi sleep for over 7-8 years now. i cant remember how i was before her, my perception of reality completely perception of myself completely changed. mypersonality has never been the same again! i doubt it…

  • Bambi Sleep Videos remuxed by Brandynette

    Hello there bambis, i might be one of the most underappreciated amateur sissy pornstars on pornhub u never heard off… its my first forum post, so ill shill myself violently before i actually post my video links for everyone to freely enjoy!  Carrer:i signed my model program contract in 2014.i earned & gained the min xp needed…

  • GoPPAMI the making of Agent CODI aka SISSY Bimbo Brandynette

    Brandynettes Upgrading — GoPPAMI the making of Agent CODI aka Bimbo Brandynette Before you hate it and want to do evil stuff to me. Go to the bottom this is my first introductory post. Brandynettes Upgrading — GoPPAMI the making of Agent CODI aka Bimbo Brandynette Before you hate it and want to do evil stuff to…

  • Which one is the real world? Transhuman GoPPAMI Programming

    Which one is the real word?Transhuman GoPPAMI Programming Melkanea is like Fighting with Brandynette over this! Which one is the real word?Transhuman GoPPAMI Programming Melkanea is like Fighting with Brandynette over this! My thought was that i just made it up;I dint it was implanted into me with brainwashing I loose it once i start…

  • 10 Signs That You’re Headed for Burnout

    10 Signs That You’re Headed for Burnout Original post from the Zapier Blog by Jessica Greene / December 21, 2017. 10 Signs That You’re Headed for Burnout 10 Signs That You’re Headed for Burnout Original post from the Zapier Blog by Jessica Greene / December 21, 2017. 10 Signs That You’re Headed for Burnout With permission…

  • January 2018 Updates! Remade All Profiles

    January 2018 Updates! Remade All Profiles NEW INTERACTIVE SIGNATURE! January 2018 Updates! Remade All Profiles NEW INTERACTIVE SIGNATURE! (Interactive Signature still a Beta version, may not work from time to time. use backup link from This is Brandynette´s entire Online Presence at one place! EDITED:(10–12–17)(22–12–17)(01–02–18) If im able to help other like minded Fetlifers, ones…

  • Brandynette´s entire Online Presence at one place!

    This is Brandynette´s entire Online Presence at one place! What i do and want: The Fetlifer Tales of BrandyPhilias — The Brainless Bimbo Barbie Bambi Bonnie Brat Brandynette! This is Brandynette´s entire Online Presence at one place! What i do and want:The Fetlifer Tales of BrandyPhilias — The Brainless Bimbo Barbie Bambi Bonnie Brat Brandynette! Im a…

  • Official Website Blog by Brandynette

    Official Website Blog by Brandynette Tengo una palabra que amo pero necesito putear primero! TransPhobia Official Website Blog by Brandynette Tengo una palabra que amo pero necesito putear primero! TransFobia no tiene su origen con la sexualidad sino con el miedo al cambio. TransPorte — Que mueve de un lado al otro.TransParente — deja pasar la luz o fácil…

  • Halloween Sissification by Brandynette

    Halloween Sissification by Brandynette For Pornhub Discord Owner Demi Halloween Sissification by Brandynette For Pornhub Discord Owner Demi On a Freezing October night in Austria, literally Halloween, I was trying out my new Cage while recording it for Pornhub. While putting on the ring i heard a loud crack at my door. Neighbours like usual,…

  • -years-have-I-been-pondering-the-question-if-we-can-literally-program-our-minds-like-computers

    5 years have I been pondering the question if we can literally program our minds like computers. Can we really? Hypnosis Brainwash Mental conditioning Behavioral therapy operant conditioning indoctrination mindfucking mind melting…

  • Fighting the Mental Health stigma! Must share myself for educational entertainment!

    Fighting the Mental Health stigma! Must share myself for educational entertainment! Them think is gud, they like! Nyaa ❤ Fighting the Mental Health stigma! Must share myself for educational entertainment! Them think is gud, they like! Nyaa ❤ Diagnosed with ICD-10 F25.0 i think DSM-5 should be 295.70Technically F64.9, HRT treatment. Original post triggered by:[What is…

  • Human Sexuality -Socially uncomfortable?

    Mental Health &Human Sexuality “Socially uncomfortable” “This entire story was triggered and fueled by a mother who beat her tenager after she found them watching porn. The teenager had a mental… Mental Health &Human Sexuality “Socially uncomfortable” “This entire story was triggered and fueled by a mother who beat her tenager after she found them…


     BDSM Fantasies BLACK NEW WORLD ORDER BNWO or the Black New World Order  !TRIGGER WARNING! ***its adult entertainment, im Pansexual, ur color might contrast nicely with my ass but is irrelevant as long as u can use ur dick properly!  Even though some may come into play as part of the fantasie,not a fucking political or social statement!…

  • Connecting dots — Millennial Battle

    … from Afro to skinheads having sex with fish… Yes. I mean WW2 was nothing more than a Religious war.Germany and Austria have “Church Tax”, on the Nazi belt it says “Gott sei mit Uns” 2+2=”Jihad”-One thing is for certain in history. Only the winner writes it down. So evil or not. The winner is…

  • Paraphilias with Brandynette presents: Paraphilias Addiction Understanding the Human Brain

    It took me time and dedication to include and manage to explain in human language, using my own words. I wont be 100% correct, it is a very complicated subject and for sure dont know everything. It is based on reality with some touch of imagination. I wrote it for myself to better understand. now…

  • Brandynettes Upgrading — GoPPAMI aka Sissy Bimbo Brandynette

    Before you hate it and want to do evil stuff to me. Go to the bottom this is my first introductory post. You can find me all over the net, if you want to get even darker. The dark side of human sexuality is fazinating ##############################################################################################ORIGINAL BLOG TITLE : 23rd of September 2017 New World Order…

  • Man has The Penis to satisfy The Woman!

    Whaaat? Hear me out, let me explain it to myself first…Sciences and my strange perspective of them. Now there i go again, with my connecting dots syndrome. Have you ever wondered why everything in the universe always arranges in the same pattern. Imagine, roots, leaves, branches, blood vessels, the somber forest you can see in…

  • Transhumanism Paraphilia — Is GoPPAMI real or have i been Brainwashed?

    Hehe. we didnt know. but i knew this at the same time in 2009. I have stopped watching TV or just lough. I have visited 2 oposite continents. 1st world born, 3rd world lived and returned to 1st a while ago. Everything is bullshit. Politics, religion, lack of education on human sexuality and ignorance are…

  • Sissy Hypnosis – The Trans Industry’s Golden Goose

    > SOURCE: giggle! so cute! so inocent!i figured this out in 2017 already. it hit me like a train to the face.i was always fantasising about bein a girl, i jerked off wearing & sniffing used panties i stole from the girls gym lockers all the time. with 16 i found the wiki “List…

  • Brandynette´s entire Online Presence at one place!

    EDITED:(10–12–17)(22–12–17)(01–02–18)(26-12-2023) If im able to help other like minded Fetlifers, ones that get the arousal from just knowing that other are cuming all over the place for one! 😉 Then ill gladly share what i can! Helping out has its own rewards in the long run. Would love to take all your Requests! Will only…


    Enjoy! I have my writers day today. I just started to write what come to mind. Im a Transhuman Bimbot Human Male. Augmented with machine parts and with the Perfect Plastic Bimbo Body. Today is my General Mantainance and Systems Check. ############################################## Paraphilia UNIT: Brandynette. Rerporting for rutine inspection: 19/09/17 Checked and Analized, Black Boxes: Successful!…

  • Worst of OnlyFanz

    MIN 2:40

  • Harnessing the Power of Humiliation

    Humiliation is a powerful feeling. It’s a cousin to embarrassment but cuts much deeper. Embarrassment is something we bring upon ourselves that later we can joke about. Humiliation is brought upon by others. It’s a loss of dignity and pride. But an interesting thing can happen after one experience humiliation – we are now not…

  • titulo demostracion gatze

    hola soy melkanea & estoy demostrando como funcionan las paginas webmira le video para ver lo simple que es tener tu propio rincon que crece con el tiempo porq? en fb no te sirve ponder tu link para que te pagen porq no tiene permanencia, 1min haces un post al siguente se esfumo hasta que…


    The controller is defined as the first object beyond the UI layer that receives and coordinates (“controls”) a system operation. The controller should delegate the work that needs to be done to other objects; it coordinates or controls the activity. It should not do much work itself. The GRASP Controller can be thought of as…

  • Asked To Enter Male Changing Room

    source posted by u/Kaseffera2 days ago Ally But it was me who asked! So this week I was trying to find new clothes and I finally settled to shirts (like bralettes, can’t really describe them) and a black jacket. I also took pair of wide pants and the look was fantastic! The thing is that…

  • BDSM test that is going viral on tiktok hypno sissy version

    source By Tatyannah King  on May 7, 2023 The BDSM test is a starting point to destigmatize #kinktok Due to the lack of comprehensive sex education in America’s education system and general stigma regarding human sexuality, our society isn’t the most sexually literate. But the fact that BDSM is being discussed on TikTok to the point where the #kinktok hashtag…

  • nicht schlafende Schreiberin

    so ungf schaut das dann aus wenst ma a paar texte schickst pap ich sie hier zum vorzeigen her

  • Who is Brandynette

    Brandynette creates #NSFW content specific to her #paraphilias using #Hypnosis & #Brainwash files from to #trigger #femboy #betalosers or #effeminate males with #smalldicks Where is she from? @Brandynette #Amateur #Pornhub #Pornstar let it goooo! let it gooo… I LOSS DO GOANIX MEA GOOOO!!! Da steht mein schloß. I pass ehh selber drauf auf! I…

  • You will win success with all you adopt.

    Mit allem was du dir zu eigen machst wirst du erfolg haben. I hit a weird turn in my road & took it! 8 years ago i went home & had to cross an intersection in my home town. I knew the life i was living was over, it just had to be, i was…