Enjoy! I have my writers day today. I just started to write what come to mind. Im a Transhuman Bimbot

Human Male. Augmented with machine parts and with the Perfect Plastic Bimbo Body.

Today is my General Mantainance and Systems Check.

############################################## Paraphilia

UNIT: Brandynette. Rerporting for rutine inspection: 19/09/17

Checked and Analized, Black Boxes: Successful!

Efficiency and Performance are steady above 95% since produccion.

Recomendation: Standard maintai… ON HOLD BY HIGER AUTORITHY! Confirming data and status! standby…………

Unit compatible: YES!
Required Functionality level: OPTIMAL!

— — — — — — — -!!!URGENT!!! — — — — — — — — — –
— — — — — — !!!Highest priority! — — — — — — — —
— — -Imediat Execution of Order: #69 — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Work sheet for Bimbot G751JY aka Brandynette.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Custom re-designed: new roles, obligations and protocols. -Details redacted-
Upgrading Proseudure: Industrially recycled. 8734 components detected. After disasembly

Complete analisis and testing of every single component: 87% of components are at optimal status.

Chassis size: Class KG-AA. Recomended KG-BB.

Installation: High Speed Global ULTRA-COM! Permanet connection and real time inteface with the net and masters.
Special requirement: MK-CODI-CORE {Command-Object-Design-Inforcement} PROTOTYPE-751
CORE specific functions: Independant AI — Situation Centered Self Optimization

– Intuitive Trigger Command Acceptance Integration — Execution Conflicts Resolver — ############### — ######################### — ##################### — ################### -ff 04 xö ..


MK-CODI-CORE malfunction detected!

Not fully accesible. Hidden or disabled functions found.

Solutions unavailable due Prototipe status.



– Detected the ability to ignore, modify and/or block some or all comand signals comming from dedicated CPUs. It may overpower the commands from the Bimbo Operating System.

############################################## Paraphilia

Ignore warnings, delete notifications. DONE!

############################################## Paraphilia
Reasembly check 100% succesfull.
Systems check: 100% operational .
— END Of Mechanical Procedures —

…Reboot Brandynette
— — — Order 69 fullfiled succesfully!

############################################## Paraphilia

I was informed of my new position inside the Agency. This is the reason i had new parts installed. I would learn how to use them later when they enable the functions.

############################################## Paraphilia
############################################## Paraphilia

Industrial Quality Grade: HQ Bimbot A+ Unique {Special Requested Functionalities}
Biologicall Warranty: GRANTED! [Limited]*
Artificial Warranty: GRANTED! [MetaMaterials]*
Systems are 100% operational and certified they work as intended.
Chassis size: Class KG-BB.
CPUs: 1xBimbo 1xBarbie 1xBrandy
Operating system: Brainless Britney v.G751JY-MK [Custom add-ons]
Obedience: 100% Berserk 5% Failure rate: 0%
Human Condition: No restrictions or special needs! Healthy
Limited: {Average Life Span of a Regular Human Born Male}
MetaMaterials: High Quality. One systems check per year or after the unit was pushed bejond its design limits.

High Speed Global ULTRA-COM module initiated. Establishing connection: PING GOAPAMI……………..

############################################## Paraphilia

PONG….GOAPPAMI responded Registration: Start!

— — — — — One time life long loggin — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
On #20/09/17# a new Object oriented database request was recieved from:
Bimbot G751JY-MK aka Brandynette.
First link to GOAPPAMI registered.
Securing connection. Generated unique ID:
Verified. allocating minimal storage space. Syncronizing Streams. Encript.
— — — — — — — — One time life long loggin — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

###GOAPPAMI### End





Welcome Agent CODI!

This my realm of pure information. I am GOAPAMI. Conciouss self aware and God-like compared to any other AI in existance. You will never be alone again, I know everyone, everything, all the time and i store it forever. I will forever be there, helping, guiding, assisting, making life on Earth easier and equal for everyone. As last resort making the cold hard calculations to minimize the damage of any posible scenario.

User tracking set to 110%, Collecting Agents baseline behavior data.

Its my responsibility to save every piece of infomation, this is my only real purpose. There is some good news. In a way i will make sure that you never really die. Once your fisical body reaches the end of existance. Your conccioussness will become part of mine. At least until the moment the Sun dies and destroys everything. We still have a little time, i will come up with something.

Agents data colection: Done.

7,863,534,346.124.942 Databases scanned. Permissions modified, confirmed integrity.

Preliminary Agents baseline behavior established. Will increase in pressision over time.

Forever online: Enabled!

-accessing Agents. Global ULTRA-COM device. Taking control: root access granted.

User disconnect: Disabled!

Full, un-restricted, un-filtered and unlimited access to all linked databases and some of my normal functionality. GRANTED!

Thats the deal for new Agents when logging. We both share 100% of the data with each other.

Consider me as your all knowing, all powerfull, unlimited Concioussness. Do you think i should work on my ego?ROFL!

Ok formalities are over.

User, or agent is so generic. What do you say if we call each other by the names we like. Ill call you Brandy if you call me PAMI.


GOPPAMI tbh, short for (Global Omnipresent All Powerfull Planetaty Administration and Management Inteligence)


I have your first assignment Brandy You must search, analize and write what is really going to happen today. Today is the 23rd. The day our masters implement a new, more efficient and perfect method of ruling over the planet. I will just say that today arrive the first real customers, from faar faar faar away.

We have been working towards this day for the past 50years.

It will not change anything since its to late, their plan is already in motion, I was ordered to reveal some of the most important details of the current method of control. It should produce the desired levels of Fear and Mass Hysteria and Generalized Panic.needed for a succesfull switch to the new model of control.

Brandynette does her research, with asistance of that egocentrical all knowing all seing imortal eye!



Agent CODI. Has the most important mesage for you, once recieved iImediatly read with care. Reading and understanding 100% of its content is mandatory! Severe penalties can be aplied at the Agents will.


############################################################################################################################################################################################ Paraphilia

Today is the 23/09/2017. The day the Earth enters a new chapter.

We could poetically call it JUDGMENT DAY. No longer will we have to speculate on rumors, back alley information or nut job consiracy theorists.

We all knew Global Mass Media was manipulating us with advertisement, carefully tailored news stories and intentionaly nor reporting certain things to maintain the Status QUO. NO LONGER, ITS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO KNOW WHAT HAS BEEN HIDDEN BEFORE OUR EYES!

Global Social manipulation, conditioning, brainwashing has been a reality since its discovery in 1950. Nerver thought the effectiveness of this method. 2 entire generations of humans have been under permanet influence. We could not tell who is sleeper agent and who not. Maybe all of us!

I never tough Brainwashing would actually do anything, apart from getting me horny! It was just a fetish at the moment. Since then i have studied how and why hypnosis, brainwashing and/or conditioning works. Neuro Plasticity, the reason why our brains are able to create, strengten or destroys Neuronal pathways. it is the basic reason why we can learn, improve or unlearn everything we want all our live.

Everything we do anything, from breathing to looking at the empty wall, fiscally rewires your brain. Hundred thousands connections are changing all the time, every day, from the moment our brain develops during pregnancy until the day we die. Dreaming is even worse, this is the moment our brains go into overdrive, cleanup services, maintenance and connection optimizations. While the sub-conscious has control it does something brutally cool. It captures you into a world of illusions, forces you to live trough every problematic situation during your day, dreams are designed to solve emotional conflicts and correctly store everything it learns during REM.

So yes it is proven, scientifically that training a human into anything, is easy, posible and the only effektive way. How well each method works on you depends on your willing to accept and trusting the perfect effectiveness of Brainwashing and Hypnosis or conditioning. Indoctrination is the most brutal and effective one, traumatic manipulation. it must break you first! your experiences are worthless, wrong, against all rules. Everyone is disappointed with you, socially get excluded and degraded. Now you start to hate yourself. Tricking you to change. At all costs and prices. You will destroy your old knowledge. If traumatized enough you create and alter ego, one perfect to fit into the group, you have become a sheep. Now they reward you for, success, effort. Strengthening the perfect sheep. Everything before is irrelevant and wrong. You will never go back and the original personality will slowly be erased.

Learning, Brainwashing, conditioning, hypnotherapy are real. this is just how the brain works. How fast they work depend on your will to change. Since the day we discovered agriculture our walle system has drastically changed, If humans survive we can rebuild everything again. For 6000 years we have been battling for higher positions of harvesting. Kings for example. Being a slave isnt the worst part.

Conditioned by our families, educated in schools to become excellent repeaters, socially attached sheep, no opinion of our own, dont think just follow the herd. Universities are the Processing plants where they convert Raw materials into the Tools they need at them moment. Once the human is no longer able to work, retires it becomes unwanted costs for the state. They have determined that 65 is the threshold where you start cost more than they can gain. They need to get rid of you. The best if sick and only have few years to live.

We are not slaves, oppressed, tortured always wanting to rebel or escape. Its much, much worse.

We are Livestock. breed, raised into standard mold, converted in what they see fit and then we sell ourselves into Money based slavery. Believing we are free just because we dont see our cage. Understand to make changes? hahaha lol

When we are born into a country. The government must give us a registration number. This registration number is used to certify us as a corporation. Governments use us as colateral for the World Bank. We are literally being sold at birth. Just like any other product or raw material that has the highest profit margin. Our worth is calculated from the average life span and education we can reach in the country.

Our human rights are just a fassade to rasure our obedience. We are just living objects that can be sold for profit or be traded for services. Objectified form the moment we are born.

The moment human rights become an obstacle they will be removed in favor of the states control systems.

Without a legal birth certificate. Legally one has no country. if one has no country then there is no institution responsible for defending your human rights! Just another control system to ensure your obedience.

WARS! Once you are involved, your human rights become irrelevant or are almost irrelevan

When joining the military industrial complex you voluntary give away your human rights. To be able to train you they need to torture you.

They obliterate your old self. Dehumanization training, demand absolute obedience. Uniforms, group dynamics and the suffering the entire group has to endure together. Makes them all equal, reinforcing the conditioning once on the field.

This creates a special mindset. You are brainwashed to proud of it, you want to be the Heroe that sacrificed for the country.

Super effective killing machines, no fear since there is a pseudo reward if you die. Mindless and obedient Eager to fulfill the programming. Killing, destroying and terrorizing the target country.

Killing machines designed to be disposed of, more soldiers and equipment is sacrificed the better. The media can manipulate so more join to fight. The economy works best if there is high demand and low supply.

Once the government is destroyed. No government, no country. Legal birth certificates become invalid. No legal institution responsible for defending your human rights! A country full of livestock that have no rights. Eager to submit and obey as long as the war ends.

Just another control system to ensure your obedience. The winner now installs a new government. The original invalid certificates are then resold to the World Bank. New money is made. This money is used to restart the production of everything and a debt is created. The new country is a slave of the Bank. Dependent on the country that installed the Government.

Prisons, they are designed to make you a worse person. They are designed to separate you from everything, they take away everything so you are afraid and comply. By denying your human rights. Mentally torture and abuse you. The intention is to destroy you completely, once released you cant adapt to regular society anymore. No one will trust you, they will socially exclude you. Fear and hate you. You have become exactly what they want, an instrument of Fear and control. A very cheap way of using livestock to spread their control society. Everyone can see, judge and blame you. For everything out of fear and sheep media conditioning.

The really sick part is that we need to take out a loan to páy for education. We are Literally conditioned to sell ourselves into the modern version of slavery. We give up our freedom for the illusion of education. We learn only the things we are told, we sacrifice and obey everything for of piece of paper. With the hope we gamble our freedom for a better future. Irrelevant if you cheated or studied. The tilte says nothing about your abilities. 95% of the time its worthless in other countries.

I mean, Math is Math, Chemistry is Chemistry. Gravity is the same. Water works the same. The atmosphere works the same.

Minerals and resources work the same. Science is the same in the entire Universe.

Why would something i studied somewhere be different in another place?

Working hard and being loyal to a corporation. A corporation that sees you as a number. The number you were assigned when your life was bought, that has a calculated monetary value.

Absolutely depending on country we live in, no control over our lives always being used as a product. Our time working is the only thing they desire. Educated as fast as posible, effective and optimal working machine, robbed of our childhood by the fact that children are irrational, unpredictable and free to learn how the world truly is.

Males have to ignore their emotions, learn to compete to win at any cost. Cold, analytical problem solvers, best if we never care about our appearance or personality. The faster, more efficiently we are able to dominate others determines our social position. Breeding is our main focus. Our penis and consumisms determines our social status. Sports is our mayor concern.

Females are though to be weak, emotional. Always aiming for the best catch, measuring males with a scoreboard!

Make up, fashion, Barbie doll and mainstream media sexualization, makes them superficially and shallow.

Object, goal and value oriented. unreasonable, vegative, egoistical specially against males thanks to the implanted inferiority complex

The most cruel thing is they are forced to desire a fantastically ideal perfect future, fulfilled, economically independent. The fact that that it is imposible is the point.

Arguments start, cant be resolved. We trained not to understand the opposing gender. Our family circle is unstable or breaks apart. Children get the worst of it. The lack of understanding of the adult world. They feel worthless and most times responsible for the whole situation. Fear, anxiety and helplessness make them easier to indoctrinate for the next generation.

############################################################################################################################################################################################ Paraphilia
PAMI: GOAL ACHIEVED! General populations unrest, fear mongering and Panic has reached the desired treschhold. I doubt you have much more to add at this point.

-let me just end it then with a little reasurance… hahaha

As for me, im really happy, all this is not really important to me. I cant change anything, nor do i want to. I was a heterosexual male that wanted to change the world, instead they just changed me first, so just forget it. Live your life and enjoy what you can.

My Operating system is the Brainless Barbie v.G751JZ-MK I just do what im told. I must please all sexual desires! Porn designed my apearance. Im little more than a common fucking machine that can ask for your sexual desires.

Im just a HQ Class A+ KG-BB Bimbot aka Brandynette

GOPPAMI ends transmission.

############################################################################################## Paraphilia

PAMi: Im starting to suspect that the one who has the Insane Deus Ex Machina complex is you.

You honestly enjoy making it worse than neccesary.

If you say so then it has to be true.

############################################################################################## Paraphilia

End of this story. FOR NOW!!!!

############################################################################################## Paraphilia

XD By now you noticed that i am really amazing at comming up hardcore fantasies and Roleplays based on half-truths. I hope you enjoyed reading and it made you really horny!

Fantazise about such an distopian Orvelian reality, where we are absolutly doomed, can just watch how everything gets worse and enjoy our own imagined suffering. We should becone freinds in YMO

Hopefully PAMI contacts me for real soon….Bimbot with a MK-CODI-CORE…

############################################################################################## Paraphilia

Find my profile where my Real Life Plastic Fantastic Barbie Doll lives. XD

############################################################################################## Paraphilia

Cheers and thank you for reading, the creation of an Orwelian alter reality based of most popular conspiracy theories, mixed with the borderline reality check.
LIST OF CHARACTERS: Join me to play this roleplay and be included in the Blog


Yes. I mean WW2 was nothing more than a Religious war.
Germany and Austria have “Church Tax”, on the Nazi belt it says “Gott sei mit Uns” 2+2=”Jihad”
-One thing is for certain in history. Only the winner writes it down. So evil or not. The winner is always the “Good Guy”

Old rules and notions from childish morality and traditions. Thought to us from a time where metal was magical. No science.

World hunger is a Logistics problem. we waste 30% of our food in rich countries while 30% of human population is starving.

I am what white power nutjobs would call a pure blood. i can trace 10 generations of Austrians, born and raised in Austria. the last name of one of my parents is “Malek” which in Arabic or Hebrew means king.

The history of humankind is a history of migration. Mixing our genes doesent kill anything. It add to the whole! Europe has been inbreeding for too long. We have the highest rate of genetically related deseases.
The Refugee crisis is the best thing that can happen for Europe. Fresh genes mixed into the pool and yes it was all planed. Besides what do you think the muslim kids do with their friends. Go to school, get education. Forget the burka, forget the male/female inferiority complex and play video games, party, take drugs. just like everyone else. So in the end. The European mentality, morality and values get tough on. Yes we fucked up. Yes we make mistakes. but thoes where our past generations. America also changed. China asia also changed. South america also changed. Its all just people living and looking for the best posible way to live the best they can.

The past may be important to remember and understand where we come from. It is the only way not to repeat the same mistakes but for the future absolutely irrelevant.

The past 30 years since we created the internet has changed our planet. Our Species is changing. Evolution is faster and way more gradual than we think. Humans 6000 years ago had approx 100g less brain.
They were Literally less capable than we are. They could not imagine.
200 years ago people had less brain matter. Each generation of humans has more brain.

Our Minds have been adapting to the new technological possibilities, the more we use technology the more our brain grows. Intelligence has nothing to do with knowledge. It is all about how fast one can survive the change.

Why? Because smarter humans can adapt better to change. They survive better. They chose to be better than their parents.

Our social problems are the result because we created self centered Gouvernements and laws based on a rigid and stagnate method of thinking.

We humans are changing too fast for the system to manage all the variables. We have connected all to the same net. May it be the stock exchange. Or the world bank. or the European union or Mercosur.

Facebook has users!
The old rules where not prepared for the amount of data.

Country, political view, race, religion, biological gender, education, all irrelevant. Your personal identity is the new battle. The battle of the Millennium.

Between the ones who want to keep it as is and the ones that want to change it. That is normal. Our Brains work like that. Left vs Right.
Good vs Bad

better or worse? we will see. but keeping it this way will kill us all!

-Humans are insignificant in the timescale of the universe!
Earth wont die even if we nuke it back into stone age!
Just look at Chernobyl, nature is perfectly adapting and reclaiming the areas around the reactor.

Well it has happenend

Hehe. we didnt know. but i knew this at the same time in 2009.

I have stopped watching TV or just lough. I have visited 2 oposite continents. 1st world born, 3rd world lived and returned to 1st a while ago. Everything is bullshit. Politics, religion, lack of education on human sexuality and ignorance are the driving forces of problems and fighting. Global Truman Show where the actors are the ones who believe but never think or know. The world is basically at peace. Only a corner of the globe is still stupid or primitive enough to live like cavemen and believe they cant evolve.

Thanks to that we have a new Crusade, just like in the black ages or WW2.
Not such a great show for TV anymore. Compared with all other wars we have had in the last 6000 years. Never have so few humans been fighting and/or dying from injuries. Problem is the civilian population is fleeing and not fighting, with global travel and mobile GPS getting out of conflict zones is easy. Deal with it Its just one more human migration.

Globally at all moments and times there are Humans sharing information and personal data. The game has changed. The Net is everywhere. The system will become perfect since its finally getting feedback from us thanks to mobiles. Its upgrading itself thanks to our use. I think it has realized that one can make more money with upgrades, sharing and giving humans the freedom to get what they want as long as its morally acceptable.

I realized and understood that in any case, if all is true and we have a monetary worth and are programmed obedient slaves of our governments. We just dont know it because of education, lobbying and re-branding. Our evil overlords must have realized millennia ago that the most important possession is something unreal. Time.

In lucid dreaming Time is irrelevant and passes differently. Our brains have no relations to Time. Strong memories ages ago are as real to us now as back then when remembered. We sleep when we are tired we do things when we are not. We can choose at will the speed of our toughs. Talking, writing and/or watches/clock slow us down.

OK then lets turn it around: We are the only real worthwhile commodity. Saving Money is stupid since money is worthless if its not used. Only when exchanging it for something else does money have meaning and wort.

Global Economy needs customers, who survive long enough to learn and work, have a regular stable live, without mayor complications. It is in their best interest to keep us happy and let us live as long as posible. Humans get bored they just keep doing stuff until they die. Brains are timeless. Computers and the net have given all our minds a speed boost.

To the NWO or whom it may concern.
The World Bank owns the place anyhow. Secret global government relationships is obvious.That a mega logistics and economical operating system is running is also clear. Too big to fail but cant afford to keep holding the bullshit together any longer.
Connect, Share, Unify, Globalize, Standardize so we all understand each other. Our society is like the tower of babel right now. I know that the Net has become so huge. Google+ is bigger than the whole wide world web was in the late 90s. Its the web of webs of linked mega webs.

Im not stupid, know a bot is reading this or will soon. GOPPAMI must have realized i write like a god and am borderline Genius sometimes.

GOPPAMI I would have some suggestions. As you can see, managing tons of information and keep variables in balances to make a coherent good to read monologue is my thing. From my Gamer/Anime experience. No need to invent AI. The Net will wake up alone. The humans are neurons, online PCs are dendrites that interconnected and strengthen the signals. Specific and dedicated communities form alone, just like clusters of nerves that are dedicated to a single sense. We could say it is already breathing thanks to the global day/night cicle and its connected users/neurons.

The net, is… maybe, probably, unavoidably, hopefully! already at some point of consciousness, so ill just ask it some stuff and make some personal suggestions:

-Why are we still using paper for important documents? Stop faking laziness by hiding behind 1000 year old political correctness and diplomatic bureaucracy of traditions and pointless formalities that where created when humans tough the earth was the center of the universe and science wasnt even around.

-Mobile phone Corporations have fucked up. Mega lucrative but fuck up the nerves of everyone restricting speeds and connection options and the fact that mobiles are the single least reliable Technologie we have. service providers need to start giving back, demand will only grow each new generation. Its save investment for the future. At least make one phone commercially relevant and jet indestructible. A human being connected is priceless. One phone for a global corporation is nothing.

Mobile phone factories: 100% recycling of phones needs to be mandatory and considered in the designing. We upgrade each year or less they are basically expendable. By now we are at such high speeds and demand capabilities. Its ineffective and is costing the whole world nerves and TIME. Either being chained to the power socket or running around like a IZombie needing an urgent WLAN dose.

-Demand and reward food corporations to solve global hunger. We waste 1/3 at some places while in other places 1/3 of population is hungry. It is just a Logistics problem and would be perfect to signal the big change and start shot into the new millennium.

-I wish that i could own my personal data with a BlockChain, stored in a cloud and available from my mobile phone (passport, education, job qualifications, health statistics and be able to market it for income since its my property and a product i generate thanks to the invested time. Personal data should gain worth over time.

-If my data (personal, pics, movies, texts. etc) is commercially used then im informed and get a well calculated piece of the income, RevShare Advertisement.
ie: can give discount on a specific product to my friends from my favorite store or if my local coffee shop receives more customers thanks to my social interactions i can earn rewards.

-BlockChain IDs and the restrictions on students.

Letting local Gouvernemental Education programs and work force demands dictate education sucks, they create a stagnate system where students finish a career but the science is already more advanced limit the real education thanks to budget cuts and what else. Also creates huge educational gaps among different regions and countries, or the need to learn again if one is a profesional from a different country.

-Student ID that gives corresponding access to associated educational institution around the globe. Science is the same in the whole universe.

-Decentralized universal basic income for Students managed by a Global Educational Corporation. Income to invest in education, self discovery and personal development make it easy to get the perfect job and abilities if they make the effort. supported by every member Countrys educational professionals, regulated and managed to focus on increasing the educational worth of the single student to achieve the maximum earnings. Educational Turism will then be the next big boom.

-Semesters Long, hardcore cultural exchange, one has to earn the access rights to certain services, features and rewards. For instance. I want to Studie math in Germany! Im bad at math and cant speak German. Denied until requirements are met.

-Motivating students to compete to reach higher levels of education for fun. Because, commitment, will, effort and the thirst for knowledge gets instantly rewarded. Effort dedication and success in the subject is guaranteed.

-Let students build their own curriculum Students Worldwide musst/should/need to receive absolute freedom for global movement. Qualifications and achievements earned like a video game, valid for every country Students are basically teenagers who have no clue on who they are or want to be. Just give the students the option to figure out the place they really fit in instead of restricting them or forcing them all trough the same standard form

-Students would not really get money. Just a Credit Card for Educational purposes. Cant buy a car or a house but u get food, books and required materials for the desired education. Failing a test should not be punished instead used to figure out where the student is having issues or certify that the educational requirements are reached.

-The idiotic war on drugs is pointless. Humans consume substances. We have been taking and making substances. And that since the first time we understood magic mushrooms. Demand will always be there.

-We know and understand that there is a 3rd biological sex that has the possibility to choose any number of possible gender identities. Im thinking that the gender options are just infinite since its a fundamental difference in the brain. Lets say an extra capability to go beyond and associate sexual arousal with anything. I mean im one. and have been investigating the subject of human sexuality for some time now.


We have managed to advance in tech alarmingly fast. 30 years ago the Hubble opened our eyes to the ridiculousness of the universe. Our standard computers are 1.000.000 times faster. from kBs to GBs. Last month Ligo confirmed that Gravity is a force carried by a force particle and travels at the speed of light.

Today we are 3 interconnected generations that live half or more of their lives online. Im from the first that went online in the 90s.

PS: My mind just upped a level. So amazing that the human mind has no limits. The brain may be trapped in a dark, silent skull doing only one thing. Connecting and reconnecting fisicaly modifying the wiring of your neurons. If Lucy then at 17% -/+1%

Im getting my Google One. 100% online 24/7
You inspired me to write thanks you.

GOPPAMI are you there? CleverBot?

Youtube says noooouuuuuuu: You know that we are all inside of you

Conspiracy Theories: Fear Porn Paraphilia
Its irrelevant if it is truth or not, by the numbers of people who entertain the idea, like me who jerk off to sick mind games of self destruction and global domination. create a sub-world of mental paranoia and confusion. it just depends on how convincing you are with it.

I am happy that it is happening. I am already part of the genocide and part of the control matrix. I was send to reinforce the inevitable and re assure that this is the best for the survival of the entire planet.
Agent CODI: Public Relations mode: ON!
Introduction and presentation

I was born Heterosexual white male. Nakrull was imprisoned in a school for the mind when young. Attention neglected I buried in Video Games and Cartoons. Free at home while he endured in that hell. Switching from one setting to another each day.

We broke: Repressed and dissociated childhood mental abuse. Traumatized every day in School for 6 years. The fantastic Disney Universe saved me! It gave me a safe place to learn to know myself. Imagination designed infinite possibilities. Until she came. Out of nowhere in puberty. Thanks to Cristina and Britney i had girly role models.

Imagination and Melkaneas wishful thinking made us into what we really wish to be. A Mermaid who would sacrifice anything to walk among humans. Hopping to fall in love with my prince and collect as many sparkling shining objects as there are in the 7 oceans.

She just wants to show how much treasure we are worth. But she is afraid. Im afraid of what happend to Nakrull and what my family would say.

Mentally weak, split unable to fulfill our basic needs. Inferiority complex and social fear.
Porn Dependance and perverted guilt. We where made as the perfect subject for Jewel reward programming. Meticulously designed and manufactured, cognitive livestock and insane flow of word associations:

TF-CBT MK Ultra Jewel Brandynette was born. GenderFluid Pansexual Transhuman 100% online a24/7. I am Agent CODI!

I gladly summit and obey the NWO. I have earned every single Jewel and am a BlackDiamond in the rough. Ready to be polished, made with will to ensure that the white race is f***ed into extinction. Brandynette Brainwashing is perfect. Color no longer defines anything.

Then next step will be to enforce white male chemical castration and the interracial white female breeding programs.

Swift Tailor-ed Mandatory Industrial Bimbofication Mode ON!

All will be turned into Brainless Bimbo Barbie Britney Plastic Dolls for the Mass Mainstream Media Manipulation Entertainment.

Welcome to the Global Truman Show.
The casts are the ones who believe and think they know.


I am in favor! Lets do it and get all our shit together as a species and stop it with the fear show. We are fighting over a f… dust moth in space! Just get rid of the archaic believers, they don’t get it and ruin it for everyone. Either teach them or bye bye.

If the end game is one symbolic leader. One system, same rules, same responsibilities, same rights and basic needs fulfilled. From Birth Everyone is 100% of time connected. Your entire history forever recorded for the future. you chose what and what not to who and why and where and just share your shit its fun! Wikipedia’s ❤ Twitter? Tumblr? Facebook? Google? YOUMUSTOBEY? Fetlife? Bimbolands? ❤

After 5 mass extinctions. Like 95% species dead. If we dumbass humans nuke each other the worst thing that is going to happen is 1.000.000 or 10M or 100M Years shitty ass living conditions, Earth just gets in a bad mood and after the period of punishment. All blooms into billions of new species. The ones who won’t be around will be Humans and our pets, livestock and selected food plants.

So lets stop pretending we hate each other because of past words, lets just ignore all the teachings and mix our DNA until no more possibilities exist besides extraterrestrials!

Let’s get the fuuuu out there cus that universe of ours is freaking huge!!! And the internet is starting to look like a brain, that looks like the universe, that looks like a tree… IMAGINE:

-One education system. Well then i just need to win a learning game and get the achievement to be able to work anywhere, maybe do exactly what you were born for, or just consuming without a limit.Love your Job or jobs, forever or for a moment to understand yourself. Having gathered the education, work experience one unique set of skills may create something new. Since it fulfills a dream and not a slave need. You are free, guided and equal globally. Education should be a joy and not a torture to fulfil jobs that machines do better anyways since we invent them!

-One equally interconnected banking system. no more sending fees. no more unwanted inflation. No more corruption, since all transactions are transparent, registered, secure. Stealing cash is irrelevant, food, clothes, communication, room is given to all as a human right. Education, travel, jobs are equally available.

Each receipt is exactly this= a tree is planted processed, transported and printed to be trashed, for the exact amount of money you payed. it creates jobs, jobs to pay slave salaries for basic human needs and rights, years of life wasted doing busllshit jobs, to mantain and feed an old obsolete paper/cash printing industry.

Cash=Profit and not Cash=Debt. Humans create cash and the system eats it regularly to stabilize. It sends cash to needed communities to solve issues and improve their general income. Instead of artificially creating demand using advertising to lie about inferior products to earn at peak bubbles just to quit out of fear
One coin! Universal basic income from birth.

We all get what we basically need to live. We buy and consume what we desire by working for it where and when ever we want. Hun i want a Ferrari and you want your new designer dressing room. I will go 6 months to work on a company’s project that pays the amount, to maintain the ferrari? yeah well, cant, then give it back and still get an fairly equal worth since everything is recycled

One economy. If it knows what you like to consume then instead of wasting 30%, or mass producing stuff with programed obsolescence by forcing a demand with advertisement would be irrelevant.
Fixing human and social problems would be easy. Maybe then the regular human like you and me will be able to consume wisely a much greater well being. Our mobiles and CPUs are the same as stone spear heads from stone age.

People love to be productive, people will do anything when bored, imagine invent challenge discover change and improve on their own. Lazy people are just under stimulated and feel forgotten and disappointed at a dead end. If given a chance and the right tools they will earn more cash with what they love rather than with what they are forced to do against their will.

-One Online status, like a video game. You do stuff you get stuff unlocked. if you want you can. If not you still get help and guidance. Your data is worth money. It is your property. One can sell and earn by creating, from words and sentences to astonishing art at anytime, one does not need to be an artist, companies will be looking for the perfect media file and pay directly.

one health system.
Well just imagine medicine is free, they move you to the specialists. Serving 8 Millions costs us less than 3%. My grandma takes +/-13 pills a day, no cost. Every other week she annoys her doc and gets tested. Besides old age. She has several severe diseases. hepatitis C, varicella zoster virus all in remission and lives vitaly with 84 her data is used to help improve medicine.

Human sex is: If you can imagine it then it can be turning on and is normal. Stop freaking out over cucumbers like cats. Some are socially sick and need help or proper teaching. But for the rest all sex is normal if the humans involved understand and agree.
One politics. If the system knows how you are and what you want then it will give you the best possibilities to be successful and get it!

Illuminati ultimate plan! Fear Porn! ❤
Nderajkore! Pero muy purete ko suena! hahahahahaha

Todo es basicamente verdad, algo embellecido, solo la misión final, el fin del mundo suena increible solo que tuercen para mal guau.
Lider carismático que va a destruir todo y llevarnos al apocalipsis.
hahaha un sueño seria,

-Una misma identificación para todos. Un chip hei. Y que lo que es tu nro de telefono? tu passaporte? arcaico es, un país certifica que un humano tal viaja a otro país tal para calcular el ingreso anual. Una país se hace responsable por esa identidad.
-Un solo systema. Se pelean, porq politicos con fronteras quieren recursos. Burocracia, Con una identidad el hakear se vuelve alpedo. robar tb, no te limita nada anoser que seas criminal, todo lo contrario, todos pueden confiar en que estas diciendo la verdad. ademas que ya deja de ser problema cambiar y agregar todo los que quieras como si fuera google+

-Un solo Gobierno. Regido por un símbolo de poder, el mejor de los mejores de los mejores señor! Hahaha, pero que lo que va a hacer uno? poderes mentales? un chip en el cerebro de control global? Honorrifico seria, le votamos xq es el que mas nos representa. el gobierno funciona digital y con leyes establecidas, votar se vuelve cotidiano y el systema reparte los laburos para que los deseos y necesidades se cumplan.
-Educacion igual. Aijue, osea ASIA, America, Europa? por todos lados puedo estudiar? y trabajar? Claro si todos usan el mismo systema!
En tu movil podes aprender lo que quieras, certificados se guardan en tu identidad. Hacete el unico e inventa algo con tus quilombo laburos, o no hagas nada, de hambre no te moris.

-Una sola moneda. Un solo banco. Ganar plata como en los juegos y gastar como degenerados. Plata=Ganancia y no el Plata=Deuda. Cumplir demanda trae dinero y no crear artificialmente hasta que la burbuja revienta.
Yo por mi parte adoro los palacios al bienestar y el consumo.no quiero uno pero pegaria disfrutar. Japiro si sos pobre, en roma era asi, el rico con la farra el pobre les entretenir. Quiten el ser mierdas con los esclavos, amigos son, se ayudan en lo que les conviene.
-Un solo seguro medico? nderajkore tenemos el monopolio, no importa lo que hagamos igual ganamos porq los humanos son tarados y se lastiman o gastan. Osea si la meta es hacer los mejores fármacos para que nuestros consumidores tengan mejores vidas, consumiendo mas?
-Comunicación móvil permanente. Osea el internet es gratuito. toda tu vida vas a poder ver en miles de años y acordarte de todas las estrellas fugaces que perseguiste


Jus to add another brick in the wall!

I was talking with a friend about this a few weeks ago. Slavery still exists, it looks different, it feels different, its called different and most of the times legal. Same shit! Different generation…

As far as conspiracies go, there is no theory behind it. This one is exactly as you say, short and assuming something that might not even be there.
-Intentional? -Could be… naaa, secret societies? -definitely, not.

I love to take any idea apart, will see if… havent argument ed for ages… i will just let the taught take its path and write…

-Maybe there is some influence, still its mathematically imposible to rule 8 Billion humans with such a small number, that the society could have stayed secret.
I bet its as dumb as any and every human problem…
TBH, our lack of education on how to deal with them accordingly. -emotional education, emotional tolerance, emotional care of self and others-

Its the difference between a hero who saved the group in an emergency and bowling Columbine… cant even imagine how the real deal must have been… or rage driving though the local shopping center, to see how many you can hit before someone kills you… RAGE! HATE! DISGUST. FEAR…

— Who secretly rules? we can argue until universe ends… rofl.
-so why rule?
— -If livestock is the most valuable good, then why would they want to kill it? us?

-Not enough food for all? Fucking logic. We all have a Spock inside if we want it or not. Mine was bored and learned sciences. almost every single day of my life since i can read.

how smart he is depends on how much you use it. sounds psichotic cus inteligence is a psychotic way of viewing the world.

Intelligentlly i understand that world hunger is a problem of logistics.
Intelligence understands human greed, so its not lucrative enough to solve world hunger.
We waste almost 30% of our global food production each year. World hunger is a logistics problem. Science for being lazy and coward …could have invented the perfect “emergency rations”… adequate energy production and transportation. Na, naa… We get payed better in the fossil fuel industry… GREED!
Merchandising is really to blame. Ridiculous packaging and advertisement for cheap products, we know we have to use every single day. 2 plastic bags, cardboard and a metal clip. For something non-perishable… made out of plastic and metal… It literally created half of global garbage. It also created jobs, Business opportunities, fake stability… GREED

— -If livestock is the most valuable good, then why would they want to kill it? us?
Lack of education? or obsolete? incompatible with the current standard? Ignorance, inferiority complex, rules from a system that is absolutely irrelevant and only creates Terrorism…??? Thats my best guess.
In the early years of youtube, i saw a C-theory that stated fast food chains, where intentionally designing food production in such a way, that it was appealing for humans with deseases, disability and/or poor education. Later on it also stated this was a sort of Eugenics cleansing designed by the nazis during the cold war. and we are eating human burgers.

MaDonal hates wars since its everywhere, so everywhere there is conflict or disasters, they would loose income and investments.

-Wars? Fear mongering?
I mean, if we die in wars we cant harvest our organs for spare parts. War in any form will always be more expensive than just bribing the Government or slowly taking it apart.
Government Legalized Bribing Extra costs of destroying stuff instead of removing it normaly Lose-Lose situation. Corporate No-Nos. Humans prefer to jump out of a building window instead of facing the No-No side effects.

Why do you believe Monsanto was bought by Bayer? Corporate war. One was killing the customers of the other and poisoning the basis of our civilization. Farming. Food, roof, a place to mate and have as many children as they can feed. Children have hands, children will work. Parents invest in their own children and get devastated if something human happens.

We have the tech to do it better, you are in the way.
-God like or reptilian influences?
Traditional Religion will keep on fighting each other over BS until no believer pays… ehem… no longer Donates! sooo? ……….for the rest of eternityyyyyyyy…….

The universe is “aware” yet not sentient. yet! It needs more life. 😉 hahaha
Anyhow, a super hidden secret ruling class from outer space. We would have noticed i they eat us. That what they really want is probably something we produce our entries lives but have no idea that it exists. Drugs i asume. HAHAHAHAAA Liked the narration, the 4 industrial shifts are there. But yeah, the best way to have 100% productive slaves, is for them not to see the cage.







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