Category: mindfuck

  • Connecting dots — Millennial Battle

    … from Afro to skinheads having sex with fish… Yes. I mean WW2 was nothing more than a Religious war.Germany and Austria have “Church Tax”, on the Nazi belt it says “Gott sei mit Uns” 2+2=”Jihad”-One thing is for certain in history. Only the winner writes it down. So evil or not. The winner is…

  • Paraphilias with Brandynette presents: Paraphilias Addiction Understanding the Human Brain

    It took me time and dedication to include and manage to explain in human language, using my own words. I wont be 100% correct, it is a very complicated subject and for sure dont know everything. It is based on reality with some touch of imagination. I wrote it for myself to better understand. now…

  • Man has The Penis to satisfy The Woman!

    Whaaat? Hear me out, let me explain it to myself first…Sciences and my strange perspective of them. Now there i go again, with my connecting dots syndrome. Have you ever wondered why everything in the universe always arranges in the same pattern. Imagine, roots, leaves, branches, blood vessels, the somber forest you can see in…

  • Transhumanism Paraphilia — Is GoPPAMI real or have i been Brainwashed?

    Hehe. we didnt know. but i knew this at the same time in 2009. I have stopped watching TV or just lough. I have visited 2 oposite continents. 1st world born, 3rd world lived and returned to 1st a while ago. Everything is bullshit. Politics, religion, lack of education on human sexuality and ignorance are…